Personal training after and operation or injury

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I regularly hear people saying they cant exercise due to a injury or condition, and 99% of the time this is not the case. Their is always ways in which you can work around your injury, however this isn’t always easy.

I train a variety of people with injuries and conditions. One of the most common is back pain and spinal issues. My degree in Sports and Exercise Science and 10 years experience in the industry has given me the knowledge to work round these problems and even improve them.

Using the right technique and exercises I have helps people with the following :

  • Hypertension
  • Post cardiac arrest and stoke rehab
  • Slipt disc
  • Tilted pelvis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Sports injuries

So please don’t feel like an injury or condition mens you cannot exercise, however some professional support from a personal trainer maybe what you need to kick start your fitness routine again.

Exercising after a heart attack

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When you have had a heart attack you maybe nervous to start exercising, you may not know what to do, but being active is the best way to strengthen your heart and aid recovery. The NHS provide some brilliant cardiac rehabilitation sessions however after these you are left to your own devises. I have trained a number of people after their cardiac rehabilitation and they have gone to to be fitter and healthier people for it.

Firstly, start slow aim for around 15-20 minutes of exercise 4 times a week. During these session you should be a little short of breath but not so breathless you cant talk, Tight chest, dizziness, palpitations and shortness of breath are warning signs and if you feel any of these see medical assistance immediately.

12 weeks post heart attack or heart surgery you should be able to exercise to a good level but always aware of signs and symptoms.

I have found really satisfaction training clients post heart attack and we have achieved some amazing results. A positive attitude, trust and building confidence is the key to achieve your goals post heart attack. Doing that alone can be a daunting process so hiring myself to help may rally help your progress.

FREE Fitness analysis for every Personal training Client

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A full fitness analysis could be the key to a fitter you .

A client of mine two months ago ask me if I tell them what I think there goals should be and how they could achieve them. I have never had this before and was happy to write something for them. Before I knew it I was engrossed in the document I was writing and produced two pages of goals, strength and weaknesses and my opinion on how my client could improve.

The client that I am now talking about has vastly improved over the last two months and their new goals has helped not only with their fitness but their wellbeing too.

Due to this I am offering all my clients a fitness analysis. If you would like one please let me know in your next session.